Wednesday, December 15, 2010

tom hanks best friend.

1 comment:

  1. These objects look fine. Go ahead and paste them onto your backgrounds-as i mentioned before-you might have to adjust the size/scale/rotate/skew to make them look good or use the pointer to move the object to the correct position on the background.

    1) open the 'background' image first then open the 'object' and do a 'copy' of the object and 'paste' it onto the background landscape.
    You should then have 2 layers, (or more if you have more than 1 object on your background.)

    2) Before you post the image to this page-you probably want to

    'flatten' the image and save it as a smaller 'jpg--otherwise the image might be too big for the web.

    3) Please email me when your composite/collage is finished.

    thanks! and have a great holiday.
